Construction Issues

UA Local 529 advocates on behalf of members and the union piping industry regarding certain issues and legislation that impact Texas’s plumbing and pipefitting industry.

We track the following issues and, when necessary, take action to protect the best interest of our members and strive to maintain the highest safety standards on all jobsites.

Some of the most significant construction issues that impact Local 529 and our members include the following:

So-Called “Right to Work”

These laws allow people to enjoy the benefits of a union without paying for union representation. So-Called “Right to Work” laws seek to undermine the financial stability of organized labor by prohibiting unions from collecting fair share fees.

In states without So-Called “Right to Work” laws, such as Texas, workers who choose not to join their workplace’s union, but are covered under a Collective Bargaining Agreement, do not pay union dues. Instead, they pay “fair share” fees to cover the basic costs the union incurs to represent them.

However, in So-Called “Right to Work” states, employees covered under a CBA who are not union members do not have to pay their “fair share” fees. In essence, they earn some of the many union benefits without having to pay for them.

According to Tex. Labor Code Ann. §§ 101.001, an employer cannot deny individual employment based on union membership. The law allows workers to gain union representation and all the benefits enjoyed from union membership without paying their fair share for the representation.

Local 529, our sister United Association Local Unions in Texas and our signatory contractors oppose So-Called “Right to Work” laws, as they also create an unsafe workplace and encourage the use of unskilled, low-wage labor.

So-Called “Right to Work”

These laws allow people to enjoy the benefits of a union without paying for union representation. So-Called “Right to Work” laws seek to undermine the financial stability of organized labor by prohibiting union from collective fair share fees.

In states without So-Called “Right to Work” laws, workers who choose not to join their workplace’s union, but are covered under a Collective Bargaining Agreement, do not pay union dues. Instead, they pay “fair share” fees to cover the basic costs the union incurs to represent them.

However, in So-Called “Right to Work” states, employees covered under a CBA who are not union members do not have to pay their “fair share” fees. In essence, they earn some of the many union benebfits without having to pay for them.

According to Tex. Labor Code Ann. §§ 101.001, an employer cannot deny individual employment based on union membership. The law allows workers to gain union representation and all the benefits enjoyed from union membership without paying their fair share for the representation.

Local 529, our sister United Association Local Unions in Texas and our signatory contractors are opposed So-Called “Right to Work” laws, as they also create an unsafe workplace and encourage the use of unskilled, low-wage labor.

Project Labor Agreements

A Project Labor Agreement (PLA) is a legal agreement between labor unions and contractors or a project owner, which outlines the terms of employment for a particular project. While often used on union-only projects, PLAs can also be used when union and non-union labor work on the same project. The private sector utilizes PLAs to ensure a project is completed safely, on time and within the budget. Besides private sector work, PLAs can also apply to publicly funded projects as a way to protect the investment of taxpayers. These are used to settle any potential labor dispute at the bargaining level and ensure taxpayer dollars are spent on quality labor and ensure a high-quality product.

Project Labor Agreements

A Project Labor Agreement (PLA) is a legal agreement between labor unions and contractors or a project owner, which outline the terms of employment for a particular project. While often used on union-only projects, PLAs can also be used when union and nonunion labor work on the same project. The private sector utilzes PLAs to ensure a project is completed safely, on time and within the budget. Besides private sector work, PLAs can also apply to publicly funded projects as a way to protect the investment of taxpayers. These are used to settle any potential labor dispute at the bargaining level and ensure that taxpayer dollars are being spent on quality labor and ensure a high quality product.

Prevailing Wage

The State of Texas does not have a Prevailing Wage law. Prevailing Wage laws require a Prevailing Wage be paid to those working on a state or locally-funded public works project and ensure the workers also earn benefits as determined by trade for the area. Without a Prevailing Wage law, publicly funded projects are susceptible to being awarded to fly-by-night contractors, who will use an unskilled and untrained labor force. Oftentimes, this results in the project taking longer to complete, a low-quality of work performed and construction workers who are injured on the jobsite.

Prevailing Wage

The State of Texas does not have a Prevailing Wage law. Prevailing Wage laws require a Prevailing Wage be paid to those working on a state or locally-funded public works project and ensure the workers also earn benefits as determined by trade for the area. Without a Prevailing Wage law, publicly funded projects are susceptible to being awarded to fly-by-night contractors, who will use an skilled and untrained labor force. Often times, this results in the project taking longer to complete, a low quality of work and construction workers who are injured on the jobsite.

Workers’ Compensation

Construction is an inherently dangerous industry and sometimes, through no fault of their own, a construction worker may be injured on the job and forced to miss work as a result of the injury.

If the construction worker belongs to a union, such as Local 529, they will receive worker compensation, which will help provide much-needed income while they cannot work.

The United Association and UA Local 529 believe it is vital for workers to be fairly compensated for injuries suffered due to unsafe working conditions.

All Local 529 signatory-affiliated contractors carry workers’ compensation insurance.

Workers’ Compensation

Construction in an inherently dangerous industry and sometimes, through no fault of their own, a construction worker may be injured on the job and forced to miss work as a result of the injury. If the construction worker belongs to a union, such as Local 529, they will receive worker compensation, which will help provide much-needed income while they cannot work. The United Association and UA Local 529 believe it is vital for workers to be fairly compensated for injuries suffered due to unsafe working conditions. All Local 529 signatory-affiliated contractors carry workers’ compensation insurance.

Independent Contractors

A significant issue within the construction industry is the misclassification of employees as independent contractors. Oftentimes, this unscrupulous and illegal act is done by contractors in an attempt to avoid paying additional taxes, workers’ compensation and other costs associated with hiring employees. Independent contracting is dangerous for workers, as it affects their eligibility for benefits and lowers their wages. This practice is often used in the trades, and oftentimes, is targeted at illegal immigrants who do not speak English and are afraid to speak out for fear of being deported. Employers who classify workers as independent contractors also pay fewer taxes. When a worker is classified as an independent contractor, an employer pays them, but does not withhold various taxes or provide them with fringe benefits. Independent contractor classification also allows employers to avoid paying Social Security and Medicare withholdings.

Independent Contractors

A significant issue within the construction industry is the misclassification of employees as independent contractors. Oftentime, this unscrupulous and illegal act is done by contractors in an attemp to avoid paying additional taxes, workers’ compensation and other costs associated with hiring employees. Independent contracting is dangerous for workers, as it affects their eligibility for benefits and lowers their wages. This practice is often used in the trades, and oftentimes, is targeted at illegal immigrants who do not speak english and are afraid to speak out in fear of being deported. Employers who classify workers as independent contractors also pay fewer taxes. When a worker is classified as an independent contractor, an employer pays them, but does not withhold various taxes or provide them with fringe benefits. Independent contractor classification also allows employers to avoid Social Security and Medicare.

Water Infrastructure

A significant portion of U.S. infrastructure is water infrastructure, which includes piping systems that supply fresh or potable water and a sanitary system to remove wastewater. Based on expected population growth in the Waco area, the current pipe systems in many communities will not be able to handle the increase in users and their demand for water or to move wastewater. Local 529 and our signatory contractors favor infrastructure legislation to replace old pipes and modernize the region’s water infrastructure.

Water Infrastructure

A significant portion of U.S. infrastructure is water infrastructure, which includes piping systems that supply fresh or potable water and a sanitary system to remove wastewater. Based on expected population growth in the Waco area, the current pipe systems in many communities will not be able to handle the increase in users and their demand for water or to move wastewater. Local 529 and our signatory contractors favor infrastructure legislation to replace old pipes and modernizing the region’s water infrastructure.